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How to Move Changes from Sandbox to Production in Salesforce


There are several methods for moving changes from a Sandbox environment to a Production environment, and the best method depends on the nature of the changes and the type of software you are using.

Here are some common methods:

Change Sets: If you are using Salesforce, you can use Change Sets to move customizations, configurations, and data from a Sandbox environment to a Production environment. Change Sets are a collection of metadata components that you can package together and deploy to another Salesforce org.

Metadata API: If you are using Salesforce, you can also use the Metadata API to move changes from a Sandbox environment to a Production environment. The Metadata API is a set of APIs that allow you to retrieve, deploy, create, update, or delete customizations for your Salesforce org.

Version Control Systems: If you are using version control systems like Git, you can version your code in a Sandbox environment and then merge it with the Production environment using a pull request.

Manual Deployment: You can also manually deploy changes by copying the files from the Sandbox environment to the Production environment. However, this method is not recommended because it can be error-prone and time-consuming.

It’s important to thoroughly test changes in the Sandbox environment before deploying them to Production to minimize the risk of negatively impacting Production data or functionality. Additionally, it’s also a good idea to have a backup of the Production environment before making any changes.


The steps to move changes from Sandbox to Production in Salesforce:

  1. Prepare the Sandbox: Make sure that your changes are thoroughly tested and ready to be deployed in the production environment.
  2. Export the Changes: Go to the Setup menu, then select Deploy and Export the changes from the Sandbox. This will create a .zip file containing all the changes you have made.
  3. Import the Changes: Go to the Setup menu in the production environment, select Deploy and Import the changes from the .zip file you exported from the Sandbox.
  4. Review the Changes: Salesforce will show you a summary of all the changes that will be made in production. Review the changes and make sure everything is correct before proceeding.
  5. Deploy the Changes: Click the Deploy button to move the changes from the Sandbox to production. You may need to schedule the deployment to take place at a specific time, or you can deploy immediately.
  6. Monitor the Deployment: Salesforce will display the status of the deployment process, and you can monitor the progress of the deployment.
  7. Verify the Deployment: Once the deployment is complete, verify that all the changes have been made correctly in the production environment.

Note: Always have a backup of your data in case of any unexpected errors.
