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InterWeave Payment Gateway for Creatio and Web Sites

Welcome to the InterWeave Payment Gateway for Creatio and Web Sites

Welcome to the award-winning InterWeave, the on-demand service designed for you to manage your Solutions, integrate with other systems, and even build your own Solution.
InterWeave includes the following components:

InterWeave SmartSolutions

SmartSolutions includes pre-built integration Solutions between the “Best of Breed” applications in the market today ranging from Creatio to Financial to ERP to Billing to eCommerce to Telephony to Customer Service, Data Base, Web Services, etc.

InterWeave SmartSolutions Platform

The InterWeave SmartSolutions platform is the first Platform as a Service (PaaS), enabling developers to create and deliver any kind of integrated business Solution, entirely on-demand and without software. The platform IDE includes easy-to-use, point-and-click customization tools to create solutions for your unique business requirements, without any programming experience.