InterWeave Help

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Step 1 – Connectivity Set Up

Ensuring Connectivity for InterWeave Servers in Creatio

In Creatio, Rackspace servers running InterWeave need to be authorized. Go to Setup, Security Controls, Network Access, New – enter the below addresses (each one is a from/to address).

Connecting with your Merchant Service Provider

When integrating with Stripe, First Data,, etc. – you need to enter that server’s IP address into Creatio.

Step 2 – Solution Registration & Configuration


InterWeave Solutions Specialist will create basic company profile for your company in the InterWeave Payment Portal.


The configuration of your company profile in the InterWeave Payment Portal (IPP) may require presence of specific custom fields in Creatio and your Merchant Service Provider in accordance with your business process. Your profile will be configured by InterWeave specialist with your help on online configuration meeting.

Configuration Detail

The configuration of your company profile in the InterWeave Payment Portal (IPP) may require presence of specific custom fields in Creatio and your Merchant Service Provider in accordance with your business process. Your profile will be configured with you by your InterWeave specialist in an online configuration meeting.

Step 3 – Activation of Flows and Testing

Working with Flows

InterWeave works based on “Flows”, which are batch jobs importing a subset of data from one system to another.

After having created your InterWeave company profile with the administrator user, use those credentials to login on your Company Profile in the IPP (InterWeave Secure Portal Login).

You should see a list of flows currently available, with a few checkboxes and other fields in each row.

Each flow can be configured by clicking on its name (which is a link). The bottom frame of the window should then show the available parameters for the flow.

To start a flow, check the START checkbox on the same row as the flow name, and then click the “Submit” button at the top or bottom of the screen.

The row should be highlighted green. To keep checking the status of running flows, just check checkbox Auto-Refresh and click “Submit” button or click “Submit” when no checkboxes are selected – that is equivalent to refreshing the page.

Creatio Payment Testing

Creatio objects (Payments, etc.) may now be tested one at a time; Creatio to your Merchant Service Provider (Stripe). All parameters need to be entered prior to starting the Flow.

Enterprise Model Testing

If you have the Enterprise Model, testing is done using special Single-Object Flows (or “Utility Flows”, which always end in letter “N”. Each of these has a required parameter that specifies that single object by name. This is done to limit the potential damage done by misconfigured Flows. Please refer to InterWeave Payment Portal regarding details of specifying options to individual flows and running them.

Utility Payments Example

SF -> Stripe flow (SFTransactions2CardSN)

This Flow takes a singular payment Creatio that has been set to the appropriate opportunity stages to “Invoiced”, etc., in Creatio. Plug in the name of that payment into this flow’s “Payment” parameter and run it. These payments will be to processed to your Stripe Application.

SF -> Stripe flow (SFTransactions2CardSDRS)

This Flow takes payments from a specified” Date Range” in Creatio that would be expected to generate multiple payments (e.g. set the appropriate opportunity stages to “Invoiced”, etc.) in Creatio. Plug in the name of those payments into this flow’s “Payment” parameter and run it. These payments will be processed to your Stripe Application.

Scheduled Payment Example

SF -> Stripe flow (SFTransactions2CardS)

This Flow takes payments in Creatio that have been set to the appropriate opportunity stage to “Invoiced”, etc.) in Creatio on a scheduled basis. Set the “Interval” timing to 60000 (60000 is ten minutes), click on the “Start” button, then click on “Auto-Refresh”, then  “Submit”. This will start the Flow to run automatically at the desired scheduled to process payments to your Stripe Application.

Small Business, Enterprise or Ultimate Model Testing

If you have the Small Business. Enterprise or Ultimate Model, testing is done using the buttons you have created at the Object level (Accounts, Opportunities, Products, etc.) and the Home Page Custom Links.